Selbsthilfe Baklayan

Welcome to this self-help assistance site

You will find informations
about potential backgrounds of chronic diseases such as

allergies • asthmaelevated LDL cholesterol • arthritis • neurodermatitis • acne • psoriasis • migraine • food allergies • chronic poisoning • gastro-intestinal diseases • tumors

and about the inhibition of immune response by creeping contamination with

environmental toxinsparasitesacidityaddiction to nicotinechronic Lyme disease • geopathy • elektromagnetic pollution

The association appeals to the applyers of the naturopathic and bioenergetic methods. Our focal points are research, science and instruction.
Our goals are:

  • to make known the bioenergetic method to a broad public
  • to develop therapy concepts, based upon studies and research projects, lectures and publications of following authors:
    Alan E. Baklayan, Dr. Hulda R. Clark, Dr. Royal Rife, Dr. Gerson, Dr. B. Budwig, Dr. Lee Cowden and others

Articles of naturopathic and bioenergetic working doctors and healers and experience reports by non-professionals would be appreciated. Please feel invited to send your report to